The reason I love YouTube...

I stole this little nugget from Mama Pends' twitter, but it is too adorable to resist posting.

Happy almost Friday, everyone!

Giving this a whirl...

Well, I am new to this (obviously), but I decided I needed a place to put down my thoughts. I have a lot of those.

I used to use Xanga back in the day, but then blogging became "so 2004." Now it's back, and so am I! I don't have a specific purpose or anything special to document, but I am a very opinionated, passionate person. What better way to vent my frustrations and sing praises than an online journal...

I guess the best way to begin a blog is with an introduction. I am a 22 year old senior at the University of Alabama, majoring in Public Relations and minoring in Women's Studies. I often get labeled as the "feminist" in my circle of friends, but I don't mind the label because it is true. My dream ambition is to be an activist... just out there, fighting for women's rights. Probably not going to happen but I can DREAM. I am headed to law school because I figured that was the closest way to get to my activist dream job.

I know it sounds crazy, but I absolutely love this small college town of Tuscaloosa, Alabama. I am staying here for law school, while everyone else picks up and moves off to bigger and better things. I like small towns and I LOVE the south. I consider myself a true southern belle with a feminist attitude. I love sweet tea (as any true southern lady should), and my weakness is chocolate/sweets in general. I would rather stay in with my honey than go to a smoky bar, and I would wear a t-shirt to work if they would let me.

I have a wonderful boyfriend, Thomas, who is prominently displayed on the right. After two years of bickering and breaking-up, we have finally found something very special. I cannot imagine life without him, and hopefully I will never have to! My family is something else. I have a loving father and mother, one brother, one sister-in-law, one niece, two nephews, and one certifiably insane grandmother. We are a very close family, and my niece and nephews are basically like children to me.

These are my beautiful "children." Lily is 6, Jack is 4, and Cal is 1 1/2. They are precious little darlings (most of the time). Lily looks just like my brother and me and acts just like my brother: stubborn and strong-willed. But she is sweet at heart. Jack is nothing like our side of the family! He is usually pretty quiet, but he has a huge imagination. He has gotten pretty good about making up stories when he plays with his toy men and cars. Cal is still a baby but don't tell him that; he eats like a 16-year-old boy. Seriously, I have never seen a baby eat as much as my nephew. He generally eats more than Jack and Lily combined. He is a sweet little chunk. Just look at those precious rosy cheeks :)

I will try to update regularly, even though I don't have many (if any) followers right now. Until next time...

Blog Design

I need help designing my blog!